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  • Here are a some Questions that being new to the business you may need answered 

  • Employment F.A.Q.'S



Q. What if I dont have experience?

A. No experience is fine. We will work with you and train you as much as possible.


Q. Can i just be a "social escort" (dinner, dates, etc)

A. Sorry, no. We do not hire social escorts, If you are unaware of what an escort truely is, then please do some research 


Q. What if I dont have transportation?

A. We do have company drivers for those that do not have their own transportation yet. However, their fee comes out of your pocket.


Q. What are your requirements?

A. We require you are between ages 18-40. You must be height/weight proportioned. We require a working cell phone and a 4 day minimum work schedule per week.


Q. I do not live in Greensboro/Winston Salem, can I still work?

A. Yes, however during your 4 days that you work you will need to be located in Greensboro, we can not book you until you are in Greensboro.


Q. Where do I stay while in Greensboro/ Winston Salem working?

A. You must provide your own accomodations, a hotel will work nicely in your favor.


Q. How will I know I will be safe with your agency?

A. Simple. We screen very well and would never put you at risk. We have been in business many years and will not jeopardize anyone.


Q. How much will I make?

A. That is the golden question..How much you make depends on you. We can not guarantee a specific number, no-one can.


Q. Do I have to show my face?

A. Absolutely not!


Q. Can I pick the clients I would like to see?

A. Somewhat. You can pick the race of clients you prefer to entertain and the age genre, however, Brad Pitt does not call us. Although we can assure you that all of our clients are gentleman and will treat you with repsect. 


Q. Can I take my own pictures and send them to you?

A. Sorry, no. We do a face to face interview and once you are hired a photo shoot will be arranged. This allows our clients to know there are no fake pictures on our site.


Q. How soon can I start? How quick can I start making money?

A. As soon as you like. Once the face to face interview is done, we can expedite the photo shoot so you can start same day if you would like.


Q. If I would like to get started, whats the next step?

A. You may call, fill out the employment form, or simply email us and we will go from there.


We look forward to working with you Soon!


When you are ready to continue the employment process, simply click on  Start My Employment Submission and fill out the form and we will contact you shortly.






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